ELReda TechMotion | About us
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About us


Elreda Company We Are One Of The Leading Companies That Specialized In The Field Of Automation And Technological Solutions.For More Than 20 Years We Have Been Leading With Our Respectable Number Of Worldwide Suppliers, Providing Our Products And Services In Egypt And Middle East. Our Passion For Innovation, Continuous Search For The Latest Solutions, Skillful Engineers, And Dedicated Team Ensures That Our Customer Gets The Most Efficient Product In The Most Secure Mechanism In Managing Every Procedure From Installation To After Sales Services And Maintenance.


Begin A Domestic Industry In Our Field To Reduce The Import Of Some Products .Take A Fair Share In The Market .Open A New Market To Our Products In Africa .

Our core values

Respect all individuals for all diverse backgrounds . Listen to others, understand them, and assume positive intent . Commitment to integrity and good deeds.